I made this, will you put it on the fridge?

Ninnie | She/Her | 25+ | AustraliaHi, I'm Ninnie. Twitter artist/writer, mom & disabled internet clown. From the US, living 'down under.' I like pastel colors, have too many hobbies, and have never had a consistent style in my life. I play FFXIV on Materia DC, and I'm obsessed with that nice red catboy.Feel free to browse through my links!
Zines I have participated in include: 'Destiny Awaits: A Crystal Exarch Fanzine (2020)', & 'Inspiration: a G’raha Zine (2022)'.You may find some of my older artwork credited/signed 'cactwerk' or watermarked with 'NinnieArt.'
Please read before browsing!This gallery is provided for viewing purposes only.
- You may NOT repost, edit, trace, copy, print merchandise with, or take any part of my art for personal use without express permission.
- You may NOT make NFTs or any other form of digital content from, or endorse currency using my art.
- You may NOT use my art with any type of AI training program, or alter it using AI.
- You may NOT claim any part of my art as your own.Commissioners; please see my Comms page(s) & documents provided for more info on terms of use!
Regular Artstyle
Chibi Artstyles
See my shop page for merch art!
Ninnie's Art Commissions
Thank you for considering me for comms!Currently, I am only accepting comms for FFXIV-related art. I specialize in sketches and colored sketches, as well as WoL/NPC ships! I do both SFW and NSFW art of any gender.I offer a spread of options from sketchy-style, to chibis, to full-rendered characters. Please see the document links below for pricing + T&C, and then fill out the form inside to register interest (when open)! Feel free to contact me on my art Twitter or email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Ninnie's Fic Commissions
Thank you for considering me for comms!Currently, I accept commissions for FFXIV fanfics only, as it is my current fandom of interest. Like my art comms, there are SFW or NSFW options!If you're interested, please read through my info docs below and fill out the commission form linked within (when open)!SFW fic pricingNSFW fic pricing (Adults 18+ ONLY)
Visit My Shop!

NOTICE: My Big Cartel shop will be closed from Nov. 22nd until further notice.
I'm based in South Australia, and I first began selling fan merch on Etsy in March 2020! I now sell my creations exclusively on Big Cartel (with some of my art now available as designs through Redbubble). I mainly do chibi acrylic charms, but have begun to dabble in other media. I sell from home and handle all Big Cartel sales & shipping on my own.
Need to get in touch?
You can reach me through the following ways...
- My art Twitter for art-related inquiries
- My writing/general Twitter for fic-related inquiries or in case my art account goes down
- For BigCartel related inquiries, please send me a message through the Contact page on the shop site, OR...
- As an alternative to the above options, you can send an email directly to [email protected]